Sunday, October 28, 2007

Jeremiah Jacob has arrived!

The Moody family now numbers four (see pics below)! As you may know, Jeremiah Jacob Moody entered the world on October 21st. He stayed true to his name-sake (Jacob is Josh's brother) and was in no hurry to come out. After 17+ hours of labor, he finally arrived.

For those who want more details, Kim went into labor at 1am Sunday morning. Josh and Kim left at 2am in early labor (knowing that Kim needed antibiotics before delivery) and at 3am, Kim was admitted to the hospital. At 7:30am, after the antibiotics had been administered, Kim had not progressed in labor at all. The doctor arrived at 10am and it was decided that Kim would be induced to help the process along. Not long after inducement, Kim got an epidural and both Josh and Kim were able to relax some. The rest of the afternoon was spent watching football and praying that labor would continue to progress. It was a long, tiring afternoon, but around 6:30 PM, after much pain and a little pushing, Jeremiah Jacob came into our world.

We are so thrilled about our little boy. He seems to be a mellow little guy (another reason we named him after Jacob) and he spends most of his time eating, sleeping and filling up his diapers. Laura Jane loves her little brother and wants to hold him at every opportunity. She wants to help out all the time, too. She brings him binkies, blankies, and toys whenever he cries. She tries to share her crackers with him and her stickers. She giggles at his little noises and is always anxious to find out "what he is doing". God has blessed our family tremendously.

We thank you so much for your prayers and your concern. We look forward to sharing more stories and photos of our growing family in the coming months.

Blessings to you!

1 comment:

The Lightners said...

Welcome to the world Jeremiah!!! You've got yourself some great parents!