Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeremiah!

Here is a video and some pictures from Jeremiah's 2nd birthday celebration. The video is from the 21st when he opened Nonna's and Grandpa's gifts. The pictures are of his new "Big Boy" room (thanks Nonna for making the bedspread!), where he has now successfully graduated from the crib, and from his "Choo Choo" party on Saturday, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He is wearing green socks that his sister gave to him for his birthday, from her own drawer. :) She picked them out, wrapped them, and gave them to him. He promptly put them on and wore them all day. They are such a joy!

Eating our bedtime snack!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Birthday La La!

This is our present to you. The other presents you will receive when you visit. Hope you had a great birthday! We love you and miss you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Long Overdue Update

I (Kim) have come to the realization that I was depriving some of you by posting on Facebook and not properly keeping our blog up-to-date. So I decided that before a year went by, I would write a quick update about our lives and then give you the stuff you truly want: video and pictures of the kids.

It is hard to believe that Jeremiah will turn two on October 21. Where does the time go? At that time, Laura Jane will be 4.5! She starts pre-K this year, which will be her third year at this nursery school. She will attend 2.5 hours each morning Monday-Friday. Jeremiah will be with mommy while "Sis" is at school, but he will happily begin a two day program in January (much to Mommy's delight!). I continue to have a life filled with the children, maintaining our home, and working each week on the church bulletin. I am also starting to lead more with our church's ministry to college and young adults called "Canvas". Josh continues to be the Campus Pastor at our church ( in Manhasset. He is on the teaching team, and he is also the interim Worship Pastor for our church as we look to fill that position. Needless to say, when working two jobs, his life is very full right now, and quite stressful. He has managed to catch some quality fish this summer in the Long Island Sound, when he had a break from the grind. I'm sure many of you have seen his fish pictures, so we'll spare you another one. :)

Since it has been so long since our last update, I have to conclude by saying that God has been so good to us. We have had many ups and downs in the past several months, and we have been blessed to weather the storms with God as our refuge. We found one especially helpful activity in a book we were reading about marriage. It suggested that we list our top 8 experiences as a married couple and then to try to recreate the actual events in as much detail as possible. It has been fun trying to do that - and we have successfully completed two of them, with two more planned in the next few months. (We highly recommend it for married couples, especially those with toddlers!)

Thank you for caring about us and supporting us! We cherish your friendship and always look forward to hearing about your life, as well.

Laura Jane Singing Video

Laura Jane Photos

"Mean Face"
Pre-Sprinkler Run

New Swimsuit

Best Friends

Jeremiah Video: "Singing" and "Greetings"

Ooops, he switches Grandpa and Nonna!

Photos of Jeremiah

Sprinkler Fun


Blowing Bubbles

The favorite pastime: Eating Bubbles