Saturday, September 22, 2007

We have arrived!

Our move to Long Island was not without adventure. It took us two days to make the trip with a Penske truck pulling our Corolla and our Xterra pulling our fishing boat. The most stressful event occured when we followed the GPS' instructions to take the Lincoln Tunnel into New York City. Some traffic had delayed us in New Jersey and we took the Lincoln Tunnel around 1pm. We didn't realize that we would come out of the tunnel into downtown Manhattan at a peak traffic time. There were thousands of people walking around and cars and taxis everywhere. We both felt like we were in a movie. It took us over an hour to go 1 mile in New York City and a lot of aggressive driving to stay together with our big vehicles. We quickly learned to honk our horns with the best of them. But.... we finally arrived at our house on Long Island with everything intact.

Three days later, Laura Jane arrived with Josh's parents. She loves her "New House". Her transition was not without difficulty, but we think the worst is behind us (until Jeremiah arrives?). Laura Jane started pre-school last week (see pic below) and she absolutely loves it. She is at school for 2.5 hours every Tues. and Thurs. She also loves playing with Emma, our one year old neighbor, who lives in the parsonage in front of our house. The parsonages have a playground between them and the church has another playground on the property. Laura Jane has plenty to do.

Josh is learning his job and getting used to working in full-time ministry. We both like the church and feel very welcomed by the community. The staff and their families are wonderful and we feel tremendously blessed to be here. Josh's first sermon was on Sept. 2nd and if you want to hear it, please go to (and then click on "Sermons Online").

The last item of business is getting the house in order before Jeremiah arrives. He is due Oct. 30. We are slowly but surely finding a place for everything and unloading the last boxes. Kim is feeling good, although tired, and adapting to caring for Laura Jane and housework again, without the help of two grandparents. :)

We are so grateful for your prayers and for your concern for us. We do have a guest room and plenty of space for visitors, so let us know when you want to come! We love you!

1 comment:

Jenelle said...

Welcome to your new home! That is a great story about the drive into NYC. Laura Jane is beautiful. Love the sprinkler photo. Be well!